Gems, Minerals, and Their Metaphysical Properties

This is a comprehensive alphabetical listing of gems, minerals, and some of their metaphysical properties. 



  • Abalone: Soothing, healing, emotional balance, and protection. Enhances intuition and connection to the ocean.
  • Adamite: Joy, creativity, emotional balance, and clarity. Enhances intuition and personal growth.
  • Afghanite: Clarity, communication, spiritual growth, and intuition. Enhances mental focus, spiritual insight, and personal transformation.
  • Agate: Grounding, stability, protection, courage, and strength. Promotes emotional balance and dispels fears.
  • Alexandrite: Balance, joy, self-confidence, and transformation. Enhances spiritual growth and emotional resilience.
  • Amazonite: Calming, soothing, communication, truth, and harmony. Enhances intuition and creativity.
  • Amber: Cleansing, healing, protection, and vitality. Enhances clarity and emotional balance.
  • Amethyst: Spiritual awareness, meditation, tranquility, balance, peace, and protection. Enhances psychic abilities and intuition.
  • Ametrine: Balance, clarity, creativity, and insight. Combines the properties of amethyst and citrine.
  • Ammolite: Transformation, clarity, protection, and energy flow. Enhances spiritual awakening, personal empowerment, and connection to ancient knowledge.
  • Ammonite: Transformation, protection, grounding, and personal growth. Enhances life force, clarity, and connection to ancient wisdom.
  • Andalusite: Protection, balance, clarity, and emotional healing. Enhances self-awareness, grounding, and transformation.
  • Angel Aura Quartz: Joy, spiritual connection, serenity, and emotional healing. Enhances meditation and communication with higher realms.
  • Angelite: Peace, compassion, communication, and spiritual connection. Enhances angelic communication and emotional healing.
  • Apatite: Inspiration, motivation, clarity, and communication. Enhances intellectual pursuits and personal growth.
  • Aqua Aura Quartz: Spiritual connection, communication, clarity, and tranquility. Enhances meditation, psychic abilities, and protection.
  • Aquamarine: Calmness, tranquility, courage, clarity, and communication. Enhances emotional healing and spiritual growth.
  • Aragonite: Grounding, stress relief, emotional balance, and clarity. Enhances patience and resilience.
  • Augelite: Clarity, balance, spiritual growth, and insight. Enhances higher awareness and personal transformation.
  • Aura Quartz: Joy, spiritual connection, balance, and energy. Enhances clarity, intuition, and emotional healing.
  • Auralite: Spiritual awakening, clarity, emotional healing, and transformation. Enhances psychic abilities, meditation, and connection to higher realms.
  • Aventurine: Prosperity, luck, confidence, and optimism. Enhances creativity and motivation.
  • Azurite: Insight, intuition, communication, and spiritual growth. Enhances psychic abilities and inner vision.


  • Beryl: Courage, stress relief, and emotional balance. Enhances clarity and creative expression.
  • Bismuth: Transformation, focus, motivation, and energy. Enhances visualization and goal-setting.
  • Black Moonstone: Protection, intuition, grounding, and new beginnings. Enhances emotional healing and connection to the divine feminine.
  • Black Obsidian: Protection, grounding, and releasing negative energy. Helps with self-reflection and emotional healing.
  • Black Sapphire: Protection, grounding, wisdom, and focus. Enhances self-discipline, mental clarity, and spiritual insight.
  • Black Tourmaline: Protection, grounding, purification, and balance. Enhances clarity and wards off negative energies.
  • Blades of Light: Clarity, amplification, spiritual growth, and energy. Enhances intuition and connection to higher realms.
  • Bloodstone: Strength, courage, purification, and vitality. Enhances physical and emotional healing.
  • Blue Apatite: Clarity, communication, spiritual growth, and motivation. Enhances psychic abilities, creativity, and self-expression.
  • Blue Aventurine: Self-discipline, communication, psychic abilities, and mental clarity. Enhances inner strength and peace.
  • Blue Calcite: Calming, communication, emotional healing, and mental clarity. Enhances relaxation, stress relief, and intuitive abilities.
  • Blue Goldstone: Ambition, confidence, motivation, and protection. Enhances vitality and creativity.
  • Blue Lace Agate: Communication, tranquility, peace, and clarity. Promotes self-expression and confidence.
  • Blue Onyx: Strength, self-discipline, communication, and balance. Enhances clarity, confidence, and focus.
  • Blue Quartz: Calmness, communication, clarity, and emotional balance. Enhances intuition and spiritual growth.
  • Blue Topaz: Communication, clarity, relaxation, and emotional healing. Enhances truth and self-expression.
  • Blue Tourmaline: Communication, spiritual growth, and tranquility. Enhances intuition and emotional balance.
  • Boleite: Clarity, intuition, spiritual growth, and protection. Enhances insight, balance, and personal transformation.
  • Boracite: Calmness, clarity, spiritual growth, and balance. Enhances meditation, insight, and mental clarity.
  • Bronzite: Grounding, protection, courage, and decisiveness. Enhances confidence, clarity, and personal empowerment.
  • Brookite: Transformation, spiritual growth, intuition, and balance. Enhances higher consciousness, energy flow, and personal insight.
  • Brucite: Tranquility, emotional balance, and stress relief. Enhances self-esteem and personal strength.
  • Bumblebee Jasper: Energy, creativity, courage, and transformation. Enhances personal power, motivation, and positive energy flow.


  • Calcite: Amplification, clarity, emotional healing, and energy. Enhances spiritual growth and insight.
  • Carbuncle: Protection, vitality, courage, and passion. Enhances strength, grounding, and personal power.
  • Carnelian: Energy, courage, motivation, and creativity. Enhances vitality and passion.
  • Cat’s Eye: Protection, good luck, confidence, and insight. Enhances intuition and warding off negative energies.
  • Celestite: Spiritual connection, serenity, communication, and clarity. Enhances angelic communication and peace.
  • Ceruleite: Communication, clarity, creativity, and emotional balance. Enhances self-expression and tranquility.
  • Chalcedony: Tranquility, balance, communication, and emotional healing. Enhances harmony and goodwill.
  • Charoite: Transformation, spiritual growth, emotional healing, and insight. Enhances connection to the divine and inner strength.
  • Chrysoberyl: Protection, clarity, discipline, and confidence. Enhances spiritual growth and clarity.
  • Chrysocolla: Communication, emotional balance, empowerment, and inner strength. Enhances peace and tranquility.
  • Chrysoprase: Love, forgiveness, emotional healing, and compassion. Promotes joy and optimism.
  • Cinnabar: Manifestation, prosperity, transformation, and vitality. Enhances personal power, wealth, and spiritual insight.
  • Citrine: Abundance, prosperity, joy, and energy. Enhances creativity and personal willpower.
  • Clear Quartz: Clarity, amplification, healing, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Cobaltite: Strength, vitality, protection, and creativity. Enhances willpower, confidence, and spiritual growth.
  • Coral: Protection, emotional healing, and stability. Enhances intuition and connection to the natural world.
  • Covellite: Transformation, spiritual growth, intuition, and insight. Enhances psychic abilities, meditation, and connection to higher realms.
  • Creedite: Spiritual growth, clarity, insight, and transformation. Enhances meditation, channeling, and spiritual communication.
  • Cryolite: Clarity, spiritual connection, transformation, and emotional healing. Enhances intuition, peace, and spiritual growth.


  • Dalmatian Jasper: Joy, playfulness, protection, and grounding. Enhances emotional balance and positivity.
  • Danburite: Spiritual growth, clarity, love, and healing. Enhances higher consciousness, angelic communication, and emotional balance.
  • Diamond: Strength, clarity, love, and abundance. Enhances spiritual growth and clarity of mind.
  • Dianite: Grounding, protection, strength, and transformation. Enhances clarity, intuition, and spiritual growth.
  • Diaspore: Change, adaptation, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Enhances self-awareness and resilience.
  • Diopside: Compassion, emotional healing, connection to nature, and creativity. Enhances personal growth, balance, and spiritual insight.
  • Dioptase: Emotional healing, compassion, love, and forgiveness. Enhances heart-centered energy and spiritual growth.
  • Dragon Bloodstone: Strength, courage, vitality, and protection. Enhances physical healing, emotional balance, and personal power.
  • Druzy Quartz: Amplification, clarity, emotional healing, and creativity. Enhances intuition, spiritual growth, and energy flow.
  • Dumortierite: Patience, tranquility, focus, and mental clarity. Enhances self-discipline and organization.


  • Emerald: Love, compassion, healing, and abundance. Enhances emotional balance and harmony.
  • Epidote: Growth, healing, prosperity, and transformation. Enhances personal empowerment, recovery, and spiritual growth.
  • Erythrite: Emotional healing, clarity, love, and protection. Enhances self-acceptance, compassion, and transformation.
  • Euclase: Clarity, insight, spiritual growth, and emotional healing. Enhances intuition, truth, and self-expression.
  • Eudialyte: Personal empowerment, emotional healing, and vitality. Enhances self-love, self-acceptance, and life force energy.


  • Fire Agate: Protection, grounding, vitality, and creativity. Enhances courage and emotional balance.
  • Fire Opal: Passion, creativity, vitality, and confidence. Enhances emotional healing and personal power.
  • Flint: Protection, grounding, strength, and clarity. Enhances mental focus, resilience, and insight.
  • Flower Agate: Growth, emotional healing, creativity, and transformation. Enhances personal growth and self-expression.
  • Flower Stone: Joy, growth, balance, and transformation. Enhances personal and spiritual growth.
  • Fluorite: Clarity, protection, intuition, and focus. Enhances mental clarity and decision-making.
  • Fuchsite: Healing, love, joy, and emotional balance. Enhances happiness and spiritual growth.


  • Galena: Grounding, protection, healing, and transformation. Enhances personal strength, spiritual growth, and harmony.
  • Garnet: Passion, energy, strength, and protection. Enhances vitality and creativity.
  • Goshenite: Clarity, truth, communication, and spiritual growth. Enhances honesty, purification, and insight.
  • Green Sapphire: Spiritual growth, protection, wisdom, and abundance. Enhances intuition, balance, and connection to higher realms.
  • Green Tourmaline: Healing, vitality, abundance, and growth. Enhances emotional balance and connection to nature.


  • Hawk’s Eye: Clarity, protection, insight, and grounding. Enhances focus and intuition.
  • Heliodor: Confidence, vitality, clarity, and abundance. Enhances personal power, courage, and manifestation.
  • Hematite: Grounding, protection, strength, and courage. Enhances focus and concentration.
  • Herkimer Diamond: Clarity, spiritual growth, and attunement. Enhances psychic abilities and dreams.
  • Honey Calcite: Confidence, clarity, motivation, and personal power. Enhances focus, learning, and emotional balance.
  • Honey Onyx: Strength, protection, grounding, and stability. Enhances self-discipline, focus, and determination.
  • Howlite: Calming, patience, awareness, and emotional expression. Enhances communication and stress relief.
  • Humite: Emotional healing, clarity, protection, and spiritual growth. Enhances energy, balance, and connection to higher realms.


  • Iolite: Vision, intuition, spiritual growth, and inner strength. Enhances clarity and insight.
  • Iris Agate: Protection, balance, emotional healing, and clarity. Enhances personal growth and spiritual insight.


  • Jacinth: Protection, courage, passion, and spiritual growth. Enhances clarity, self-confidence, and vitality.
  • Jade: Harmony, balance, protection, and prosperity. Enhances peace and tranquility.
  • Jadeite: Protection, harmony, prosperity, and emotional balance. Enhances spiritual growth and wisdom.
  • Jasper: Grounding, stability, protection, and strength. Enhances emotional balance and courage.
  • Jet: Protection, grounding, purification, and emotional healing. Enhances clarity and warding off negative energies.


  • Kunzite: Love, compassion, emotional healing, and peace. Enhances self-love and spiritual growth.
  • Kyanite: Communication, tranquility, meditation, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition and psychic abilities.


  • Labradorite: Protection, intuition, transformation, and spiritual growth. Enhances psychic abilities and self-discovery.
  • Larvikite: Grounding, protection, clarity, and psychic abilities. Enhances intuition and connection to the Earth.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Wisdom, truth, communication, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition and inner power.
  • Larimar: Peace, tranquility, healing, and communication. Enhances emotional balance and clarity.
  • Lava: Grounding, strength, courage, and stability. Enhances connection to the Earth and transformation.
  • Lazulite: Spiritual growth, insight, protection, and clarity. Enhances intuition, focus, and emotional balance.
  • Lazurite: Clarity, insight, spiritual growth, and communication. Enhances intuition and inner vision.
  • Lemon Quartz: Clarity, focus, prosperity, and creativity. Enhances optimism, personal power, and spiritual growth.
  • Lemurian Quartz: Spiritual connection, ancient wisdom, healing, and transformation. Enhances meditation and spiritual growth.
  • Lepidolite: Emotional healing, stress relief, balance, and tranquility. Enhances mood stabilization and spiritual growth.
  • Lodestone: Grounding, attraction, manifestation, and protection. Enhances strength and spiritual connection.
  • Lodolite: Manifestation, healing, spiritual growth, and dream work. Enhances emotional balance and personal insight.


  • Mahagony Obsidian: Grounding, protection, strength, and personal growth. Enhances emotional balance, self-acceptance, and courage.
  • Malachite: Transformation, protection, healing, and abundance. Enhances emotional balance and spiritual growth.
  • Marcasite: Protection, willpower, clarity, and confidence. Enhances focus and spiritual development.
  • Medusa Quartz: Transformation, grounding, protection, and spiritual growth. Enhances connection to ancient wisdom and self-discovery.
  • Meteorite: Transformation, spiritual growth, protection, and cosmic connection. Enhances spiritual awakening and metaphysical exploration.
  • Merlinite: Magic, intuition, spiritual growth, and protection. Enhances psychic abilities and self-discovery.
  • Miriam Stone: Grounding, protection, strength, and transformation. Enhances personal power, emotional balance, and courage.
  • Moldavite: Transformation, spiritual awakening, protection, and healing. Enhances spiritual growth and cosmic connection.
  • Monazite: Spiritual awakening, clarity, transformation, and emotional healing. Enhances personal empowerment, psychic abilities, and higher consciousness.
  • Mookaite: Strength, vitality, grounding, and decision-making. Enhances personal power and emotional balance.
  • Moonstone: Intuition, balance, tranquility, and emotional healing. Enhances psychic abilities and spiritual growth.
  • Morganite: Love, compassion, emotional healing, and joy. Enhances self-love and harmony.
  • Mother of Pearl: Protection, calming, nurturing, and emotional balance. Enhances intuition and harmony.
  • Moss Agate: Stability, persistence, grounding, and nature connection. Enhances abundance, physical healing, and emotional balance.


  • Nepheline: Grounding, protection, spiritual growth, and clarity. Enhances meditation, intuition, and connection to higher realms.
  • Nephrite Jade: Protection, harmony, emotional balance, and prosperity. Enhances self-confidence, spiritual growth, and connection to nature.
  • Neptunite: Transformation, spiritual growth, clarity, and protection. Enhances intuition, meditation, and connection to higher realms.
  • Niccolite: Strength, protection, vitality, and spiritual growth. Enhances energy, willpower, and personal transformation.
  • Nuummite: Protection, grounding, spiritual growth, and transformation. Enhances personal power, intuition, and self-discovery.


  • Obsidian: Protection, grounding, and releasing negative energy. Enhances self-reflection and emotional healing.
  • Ocean Jasper: Joy, positivity, emotional healing, and stress relief. Enhances relaxation and tranquility.
  • Olivine: Healing, growth, abundance, and protection. Enhances emotional balance, vitality, and connection to nature.
  • Onyx: Strength, protection, grounding, and self-discipline. Enhances focus and willpower.
  • Opal: Inspiration, creativity, emotional balance, and psychic abilities. Enhances imagination and spiritual growth.
  • Opalite: Psychic abilities, communication, emotional balance, and tranquility. Enhances intuition and spiritual growth.


  • Painite: Protection, grounding, spiritual growth, and transformation. Enhances intuition, emotional healing, and higher consciousness.
  • Peach Moonstone: Emotional healing, love, compassion, and intuition. Enhances self-acceptance, creativity, and connection to feminine energy.
  • Pearl: Purity, wisdom, integrity, and tranquility. Enhances emotional balance and connection to the divine feminine.
  • Peridot: Abundance, prosperity, protection, and emotional healing. Enhances joy and harmony.
  • Petrified Wood: Grounding, stability, strength, and transformation. Enhances patience, ancestral connection, and personal growth.
  • Phantom Quartz: Transformation, spiritual growth, insight, and past-life recall. Enhances personal evolution and healing.
  • Pink Calcite: Love, compassion, emotional healing, and peace. Enhances self-acceptance, emotional balance, and heart-centered energy.
  • Pink Sapphire: Love, emotional healing, compassion, and wisdom. Enhances self-love and spiritual growth.
  • Pink Tourmaline: Love, compassion, emotional healing, and joy. Enhances self-love and emotional balance.
  • Poppy Jasper: Grounding, strength, courage, and vitality. Enhances motivation, creativity, and emotional balance.
  • Prehnite: Healing, protection, intuition, and unconditional love. Enhances spiritual growth and inner peace.
  • Pyrite: Protection, abundance, confidence, and vitality. Enhances willpower and mental clarity.


  • Quartz: Clarity, amplification, healing, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition and psychic abilities.
  • Quartzite: Stability, strength, clarity, and emotional balance. Enhances focus, meditation, and grounding.


  • Rainbow Fluorite: Clarity, protection, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Enhances mental clarity, decision-making, and creativity.
  • Rainbow Moonstone: Intuition, balance, protection, and spiritual growth. Enhances psychic abilities and emotional balance.
  • Rainbow Quartz: Joy, energy, harmony, and creativity. Enhances emotional healing and spiritual growth.
  • Rainbow Tourmaline: Protection, balance, vitality, and emotional healing. Enhances chakra alignment and spiritual growth.
  • Red Aventurine: Vitality, creativity, determination, and manifestation. Enhances energy and enthusiasm.
  • Red Beryl: Passion, love, vitality, and courage. Enhances emotional balance and personal strength.
  • Red Phantom Quartz: Transformation, grounding, clarity, and spiritual growth. Enhances personal and spiritual transformation.
  • Red Sapphire: Passion, courage, strength, and vitality. Enhances confidence, motivation, and emotional balance.
  • Rhodochrosite: Love, compassion, emotional healing, and joy. Enhances self-love and emotional balance.
  • Rhodolite: Passion, love, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. Enhances vitality, creativity, and self-confidence.
  • Rhodonite: Compassion, emotional healing, grounding, and balance. Enhances forgiveness and self-love.
  • Rhyolite: Change, transformation, creativity, and emotional balance. Enhances personal growth, healing, and insight.
  • Rosasite: Emotional balance, growth, insight, and transformation. Enhances self-acceptance, clarity, and spiritual connection.
  • Rose Quartz: Love, compassion, emotional healing, and harmony. Enhances self-love and relationships.
  • Rubellite: Love, passion, emotional healing, and vitality. Enhances self-confidence and emotional balance.
  • Ruby: Passion, energy, courage, and protection. Enhances vitality and motivation.
  • Ruby Fuchsite: Emotional healing, love, strength, and balance. Enhances spiritual growth and self-worth.
  • Rutilated Quartz: Clarity, manifestation, protection, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition and cleansing of energy blockages.


  • Sapphire: Wisdom, truth, spiritual growth, and protection. Enhances clarity and intuition.
  • Sapphirine: Clarity, insight, spiritual growth, and communication. Enhances intuition and inner vision.
  • Sardonyx: Strength, protection, courage, and happiness. Enhances confidence and stability.
  • Satin Spar: Clarity, cleansing, protection, and tranquility. Enhances mental clarity and spiritual growth.
  • Selenite: Clarity, spiritual growth, protection, and peace. Enhances meditation and spiritual connection.
  • Serandite: Emotional healing, clarity, balance, and spiritual growth. Enhances personal power, intuition, and emotional balance.
  • Seraphinite: Spiritual enlightenment, healing, and connection to the angelic realm. Enhances transformation and emotional healing.
  • Serpentine: Healing, transformation, protection, and spiritual growth. Enhances meditation and kundalini awakening.
  • Shungite: Purification, grounding, protection, and healing. Enhances detoxification and energy balance.
  • Smoky Quartz: Grounding, protection, releasing negativity, and emotional balance. Enhances clarity and focus.
  • Snowflake Obsidian: Balance, protection, grounding, and transformation. Enhances emotional healing and inner strength.
  • Sodalite: Truth, communication, intuition, and tranquility. Enhances mental clarity and self-expression.
  • Spinel: Energy renewal, encouragement, and rejuvenation. Enhances mental clarity and stress reduction.
  • Spirit Quartz: Spiritual growth, harmony, transformation, and protection. Enhances connection to higher realms and communal energy.
  • Star Garnet: Passion, protection, vitality, and grounding. Enhances strength and courage.
  • Star Moonstone: Intuition, emotional balance, protection, and spiritual growth. Enhances psychic abilities and self-discovery.
  • Star Opal: Inspiration, creativity, emotional balance, and transformation. Enhances spiritual growth and personal insight.
  • Star Ruby: Passion, protection, strength, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition and courage.
  • Star Sapphire: Wisdom, clarity, spiritual growth, and protection. Enhances intuition and mental focus.
  • Starburst Quartz: Amplification, clarity, spiritual growth, and energy. Enhances intuition and connection to higher realms.
  • Strawberry Quartz: Love, healing, joy, and emotional balance. Enhances positive energy and personal growth.
  • Sunstone: Joy, empowerment, vitality, and abundance. Enhances self-worth and confidence.


  • Tanzanite: Spiritual growth, intuition, communication, and transformation. Enhances psychic abilities and inner peace.
  • Tiger’s Eye: Protection, courage, confidence, and focus. Enhances willpower and personal power.
  • Tiger Iron: Strength, stamina, protection, and grounding. Enhances vitality and personal power.
  • Topaz: Abundance, love, clarity, and joy. Enhances emotional healing and spiritual growth.
  • Tourmalinated Quartz: Protection, grounding, clarity, and emotional balance. Enhances energy flow and removes negativity.
  • Tourmaline: Protection, grounding, balance, and clarity. Enhances emotional healing and spiritual growth.
  • Tree Agate: Stability, grounding, nature connection, and inner peace. Enhances emotional balance, resilience, and abundance.
  • Trolleite: Spiritual growth, peace, and connection. Enhances meditation and higher consciousness.
  • Tsavorite: Prosperity, vitality, growth, and protection. Enhances emotional healing, creativity, and spiritual growth.
  • Turquoise: Protection, communication, healing, and balance. Enhances peace and emotional balance.


  • Ulexite: Clarity, intuition, vision, and spiritual growth. Enhances insight, mental focus, and connection to higher realms.
  • Unakite: Emotional healing, balance, and compassion. Enhances spiritual growth and harmony.
  • Uvite: Grounding, protection, emotional balance, and strength. Enhances personal power, healing, and spiritual growth.


  • Vesuvianite (Idocrase): Grounding, protection, creativity, and personal growth. Enhances spiritual development, self-discovery, and emotional healing.
  • Violet Flame Opal: Transformation, spiritual growth, protection, and emotional healing. Enhances intuition and personal insight.
  • Vivianite: Compassion, insight, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. Enhances understanding, empathy, and personal transformation.


  • Watermelon Tourmaline: Love, joy, emotional balance, and healing. Enhances relationships and self-love.
  • Welo Opal: Creativity, emotional balance, inspiration, and spiritual growth. Enhances intuition, imagination, and transformation.
  • Willemite: Clarity, insight, manifestation, and spiritual growth. Enhances energy, creativity, and personal empowerment.


  • Xanthite: Grounding, protection, clarity, and personal empowerment. Enhances emotional stability, creativity, and transformation.
  • Xenotime: Spiritual growth, transformation, clarity, and grounding. Enhances focus, personal empowerment, and connection to higher realms.


  • Yellow Aventurine: Optimism, creativity, balance, and personal power. Enhances self-confidence and emotional healing.
  • Yellow Jasper: Protection, clarity, confidence, and vitality. Enhances mental clarity, willpower, and optimism.
  • Yellow Sapphire: Wisdom, prosperity, happiness, and spiritual growth. Enhances mental clarity and success.
  • Yellow Topaz: Abundance, joy, clarity, and spiritual growth. Enhances self-confidence and emotional healing.


  • Zebra Jasper: Spiritual growth, transformation, clarity, and grounding. Enhances focus, personal empowerment, and connection to higher realms.
  • Zircon: Prosperity, protection, spiritual growth, and balance. Enhances clarity and emotional healing.
  • Zoisite: Growth, vitality, healing, and transformation. Enhances spiritual growth and creativity.


          * This listing for educational purposes only.